Plant Health

New Report Details Loss Due to Tomato Virus ToBRFV

IUNU published a new report on the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) titled "Learning to Live with ToBRFV." The report contains information on how ToBRFV spreads, how to detect ToBRFV, diagnostics for every stage... more »

New Website Helps Solve Pest and Disease Problems

A new Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service website provides science-based solutions for garden pests, weeds and disease problems in one easy-to-navigate place. The project was shepherded by Weston Miller, an OSU Extension community horticulturist... more »


Outstanding Cannabis Flowering Depends on the Roots

Building and maintaining an efficient indoor operation depends on eliminating risks wherever you can, and the growing media you choose is no exception. Sure, a premium mix is crucial for healthy, uniform crops and high... more »

Dr. Bugs: How Pesticides Influence Spider Mites

Answer: You ask a very important question, as some insect and mite pests have developed mechanisms that allow them to sense and avoid pesticides (insecticides and miticides), especially those in the chemical classes pyrethroid and... more »

Biocontrol: How? Why? When? Yes, I Can!

Good bugs. Bad bugs. Pop quiz: can we tell them all apart? Let’s talk about the good guys doing all the work for us while controlling the bad guys … biocontrol. Starting a biocontrol program... more »

UC Davis Awarded Grant to Improve Strawberry Breeding and Genetics

The federal government is awarding $6.2 million to University of California, Davis, to study how to use breeding and genetic information to protect strawberry crops from future diseases and pests. The four-year grant from the... more »

Jackson & Perkins Enters Rose Genealogy, Preservation Project

Jackson & Perkins and the Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter Botanic Gardens in Baton Rouge announced a new partnership that will, among other things, preserve the proprietary genetics of Jackson & Perkins historic rose archive... more »

New Research Tackles Two Damaging Rose Diseases

A new rose cultivar might smell sweet, but will it resist disease? Texas A&M AgriLife is leading a team of researchers to ensure the answer is “yes” to alleviate the estimated $10 million in annual disease-related loss... more »

Plant Health Management Week Available On Demand

Plant Health Management Week took place Sept. 27-29, featuring three one-hour interactive webcasts with industry experts discussing pest control, disease management and plant growth regulators. You can now view each day of Plant Health Management... more »

Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide

{Sponsored} Backed by Science, Proven in Production We share a common passion with growers: to cultivate stronger plants, lasting beauty and real results. For more than a decade, that passion has been the driving force... more »