SolarPower is bred to be the best matched ipomoea series and most efficient in production. Densely branched plants hold their shape and color in land- scape and mixed combinations all summer.
Use a well-drained soilless medium. Maintain media pH at 5.8-6.2. Apply a constant feed with a balanced fertilizer at 175- to 225-ppm nitrogen. A full complement of minor elements should be provided at each fertilizer application. Maintain temperature at 65-70° F nights and 70-75° F days. Avoid excessively cool temperatures as this can impede quality growth. Keep light intensities at 6,000-10,000 foot-candles. Ipomoea are tolerant of a range of light levels. SolarPower will retain good coloration even in high light.
SolarPower is very tolerant of a range of moisture levels. Keeping soil evenly moist with some drying between irrigation will give the most consistent quality growth. When plants are young, allow the media to dry slightly between waterings.
Pinching will improve overall branching and habit of the finished product. Pinch plants back seven to 10 days after transplanting to improve basal branching.
from Ball FloraPlant