Joshua Craver
Colorado State University
Job Title
Assistant Professor
- Earned his Ph.D. in horticulture from Purdue University.
- Manages a controlled environment research and outreach program at Colorado State’s new Spur campus in Denver.
- Established a new controlled environment horticulture (CEH) concentration for the horticulture undergraduate degree at CSU and serves as the faculty advisor.
Flip the Switch: Joshua not only does research with LEDs at his day job, but he also brings this passion to the holiday season, when putting lights up on the house is essential.
Fun Facts
A Bed & Breakfast: “I’m told by my kids that I make the best pancakes. Given that one of them [Nora] is 3 years old and the other [Anders, 1 year old] can’t talk, I’m not sure whether this can be considered a true talent yet.”