40 Under 40, Class of 2023

Annah Vertin


Proven Winners

Job Title

Marketing Specialist


  • Managing Proven Winners’ national billboard campaigns.
  • Wrote and designed the 2021 Proven Winners marketing report brochures for every U.S. state and eight Canadian provinces.
  • Helped develop and execute a rewards program that industry professionals enjoy and find informative.


Over the Pond: Annah is obsessed with Ireland and garden shows, and her favorite movie is “Dare to Be Wild.” “It was the film that inspired me to go after my dreams and pursue a career in horticulture. So, it’s very dear to my heart.”

Fun Facts

Construction Skills: When Annah and her husband bought their house, it was quite the fixer upper. “I’m really proud of how we’ve created a cozy, beautiful and functional space out of the mess that it was.”