Feb 16, 2007
HRI Grants $350,000 To Research ProjectsSource: ANLA

The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) Executive Committee considered 100 applications for research funding in 2007 and granted $350,000 to 24 projects and four scholarships. The committee selected research focusing on industry priority issues resulting in problem-solving solutions and techniques.

The executive committee continues its efforts to grow the HRI Endowment Fund, currently at $10 million. The committee reaffirmed HRI’s efforts to broaden research activities through continued collaboration with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative. The committee also agreed to fund a 2-year post-doctoral position at the USDA-ARS/Beltsville in support of the biodegradable pot research through the USDA-ARS/HRI Cooperative Research and Development Agreement.

Looking to the future, HRI leaders also agree to further expand the funding base for nursery research by pursuing such appropriate external funding opportunities as competitive grants from USDA and other federal agencies. HRI’s vision is to become the nursery and landscape industry’s research and development national leader. In keeping with this vision, HRI leadership hopes to identify and support research opportunities that have direct industry focus, with potential commercialization outcomes that may offer a financial return on investment for HRI.

Also, the HRI and its endowment fund received a pledge of $127,500 from the Oregon Association of Nurseries (OAN). HRI Executive Committee member George Bear of Apex Professional Products, Sherwood, Ore., made this announcement during the HRI reception in Chicago during the Mid-Am Trade show. This brings the Oregon Nursery Industry Endowment Fund to $450,000 committed in support of green industry research.