Apr 6, 2023
SAF’s Washington D.C. fundraiser raises $20K for SAFPAC

Attendees at the Society of American Florists 2023 Congressional Action Days supported the association’s year-round advocacy efforts by raising more than $20,000 for SAFPAC, a national political action committee dedicated to advocating for the floral industry. The funds will be used to help elect and strengthen relationships with floriculture-friendly members of Congress.

During Congressional Action Days, SAF senior lobbyist Joe Bischoff highlighted some  big advocacy wins and emphasized the important role that SAFPAC plays to get those issues across the finish line. In this budget cycle, SAF’s advocacy was successful in adding $1 million in funding annually to the Floriculture Nursery & Research Initiative for fiscal year 2023.

“We need a strong SAFPAC to complement the advocacy work SAF is doing year round,” Bischoff says. “With a new Congress on Capitol Hill, SAFPAC plays an important role to help build relationships with new members and committee leaders.”

SAF focuses its contributions on advocating for the industry’s top legislative and regulatory priorities. The members of the House and Senate Agricultural Appropriations committees are key targets, because of their role determining floriculture research funding. Members of the Ways and Means Committee are also a priority because of their jurisdiction over issues related to trade, taxes and the Generalized System of Preferences.
