Bacopa Bahia is early to flower with a medium compact habit. Bahia varieties boast large flower size in eight colors.
Plants should be pinched after growth starts when rooted as a liner. To increase branching, plants should be pinched when established after transplanting.
Pot rooted cuttings immediately. Plants should be watered in with a fertilizer solution and fertilizer applied at each watering thereafter. Carefully monitor watering the first week after potting until the new roots grow into the root medium as the cuttings may need water before the entire pot requires water.
Bacopa should be grown at cool temperatures for best quality and to prevent excessive stretching. Recommended temperatures are 57 to 61° F nights and 65 to 70° F days.
Grow Bahia bacopa in full sunlight with no shading. Low light reduces flowering and plant quality.
One spray application of daminozide at 1,000 to 3,000 ppm can be used in the liner stage for growth control. Ethephon at 300 to 500 ppm can be used in the liner stage to improve branching and reduce early flowering.
Apply a complete fertilizer at 200-ppm nitrogen with a constant feed program. A 2-1-1.5 ratio of N-P-K fertilizers works well. A chelated iron application may be needed to supply additional iron during production.
from Dümmen Orange