Nov 17, 2017
New Biological Insecticide Available from OHP

OHP has added Thuricide N/G Biological Insecticide to its portfolio of biosolutions.

Thuricide N/G is derived from a naturally-occurring bacteria that infects lepidopteran larvae and other insect larvae. Thuricide N/G contains the bacteria bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki strain SA-12.

The product is the latest of several additions to the OHP biosolutions tools and  for crops grown in greenhouses, nurseries and the landscape — including vegetables and herbs. It is approved for organic production and is OMRI listed.

After a Thuricide N/G application, insect larvae consume the bacteria. Once in the insect gut (stomach) the cryotoxins are released causing the larvae to stop feeding and subsequently die within a few days.

Use of Thuricide N/G fits well into a pest control program utilizing beneficial insects or predators, notes Dr. Carlos Bográn, OHP technical manager.

Dr. Bográn notes Thuricide N/G should be used at the first sign of pest infestations for optimal results and in a rotation with products from different classes with different modes of action.

Thuricide N/G carries a 4-hour Restricted Entry Interval (REI) and Caution signal word.

For more information, please visit