Terra Nova Nurseries Redesigns Website
Terra Nova Nurseries recently launched a new, redesigned version of its website, www.terranovanurseries.com. Key features of the updated website include streamlined navigation, aesthetic design, and a more engaging user experience with enhanced search options.
The website was created to be highly interactive for Terra Nova Nurseries’ grower customers, brokers and members of the media, seeking information about the company’s best-of-breeding plant varieties, collections, and series.
Promotional and informative areas throughout the website highlight popular and new plant varieties with links to product profiles; view close-up and wide-angle photography; sign-up for e-newsletters; review up-to-the-minute inventory; request a print catalog or peruse a digital version; and print growing and propagation insights called Grower Recipes. These and other documents can be viewed in various sizes and downloaded as PDFs.
One of the top features is an easy-to-use products section, with multiple augmented pages and accelerated search functions to find and learn about plants based upon genus, hardiness, exposure, flower color, foliage color, bloom time, and growth habit. There also is a new search module for locating plants with unique traits or for special landscape uses.
Each plant on the website has a photo library with low- and high-resolution options for downloading.
Marketing information on the website comprises hundreds of published articles and other forms of publicity and advertising, showcasing numerous ways Terra Nova Nurseries promotes its plants each year.
The company also added a new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to the website with a click-to-open feature that offers an engaging format for quick, need-to-know information.
To access the new website, visit www.terranovanurseries.com.