Jan 22, 2010
America in Bloom Amps Up Web Offers as Deadline ApproachesSource: America in Bloom

Shortly after the new year, America in Bloom redesigned its website with new features and easier navigation. Included in the new features are expanded resources with links about grants/funding, the economic benefits of plants, and youth gardening; a spotlight feature to showcase communities registered for this year’s contest; and an archive of past e-newsletter editions.

In addition to the website redesign, America in Bloom will sponsor a webinar, “Jump Start Your Town’s Urban Renewal,” at 1 p.m. EST on Feb. 4 — less than a month before registration closes. This 45-minute free webinar will help attendees understand how participation in AIB can benefit their community. It will be hosted by Evelyn Alemanni and Jack Clasen, veteran AIB judges. Click here for details on the webinar, including webinar basics for beginners and a link to registration.

For more information on America in Bloom, visit their website or click here to subscribe to their e-newsletter.