CSU Trial Garden Announces 2021 “Best of” Winners
The Annual Flower Trials at Colorado State University are well-known and well-attended each year by industry professionals across the country.
Evaluation days took place this year on Aug. 3 and Sept. 10, and the votes are in! Votes have been counted and the various winners have been determined for each category.
More information on the trial can be found at flowertrials.colostate.edu.
Best of Show – Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia Ophelia (Flamingo Holland). Gigantic yellow flowers attracted attention from across the garden. The huge flowers create a near solid canopy of yellow color that creates enormous flower power. Foliage that is visible is very attractive and clean. Plants require no pinching and matures at a nice medium height. The long-lasting flowers keep a fresh look and stay low maintenance by “burying its dead.” Performance was excellent both in ground and containers.
Best Novelty – Heliotropium ‘Augusta Lavender (Proven Winners). Prolific flowering was sustained throughout the entire growing season. The soft lavender flowers were very showy and had a slight fragrance in the heat of the afternoon. Plants had good uniformity and were a favorite of pollinators.
Best New Variety – Bidens ‘Brazen Imperial Luck’ (Syngenta Flowers). The vigorous plants were densely branched and created a solid mound of flowers across the canopy which created an impressive display of color. Blooms maintained a uniform pattern and had a rich saturated red color that paired well with the dark green foliage. This entry was also very popular among the bees.
And “Best of” by Class:
Angelonia – Archangel ‘Dark Rose’ from Ball FloraPlant
Begonia (container, upright) – BK Collection ‘Vermillion Hot Pink’ from Beekenkamp
Begonia (container, seed) – ‘Nonstop Joy Orange’ from Benary
Begonia (container, trailing) – ‘Shine Bright White’ from Westhoff
Begonia (Rex) – ‘Jurassic Pink Splash’ from Ball Ingenuity
Begonia (wax, ground) – ‘Tophat Rose Bicolor’ from Syngenta Flowers
Bidens – ‘Brazen Imperial Luck’ from Syngenta Flowers
Calibrachoa – ‘Cabaret Good Night Kiss’ from Ball FloraPlant
Coleus – ‘Main Street Orchard Road’ from Dümmen Orange
Combination – Kwik Kombos Blue Lightning Mix Imp. from Syngenta Flowers
Geranium (container) – ‘Mojo White’ from Syngenta Flowers
Geranium (ground, Interspecific) – ‘Calliope Large Orange Splash’ from Syngenta Flowers
Geranium (ground, Zonal) – ‘Galaxy Violet’ from Ball FloraPlant
Impatiens – ‘Beacon Rose’ from PanAmerican Seed
Impatiens (vegetative, sun) – ‘SunPatiens Compact Deep Red’ from Sakata Seed America
Lantana – ‘Hot Blooded Red’ from Syngenta Flowers
Lobelia – ‘Hot Waterblue’ from Westhoff
Marigold – ‘Marvel II Gold’ from Pan American Seed
New Guinea Impatiens (shade) – ‘Sonic Orange’ from Syngenta
Osteospermum – ‘Gelato Prune’ from Westhoff
Petunia (container, vegetative) – ‘Bee’s Knees’ from Ball FloraPlant
Petunia (ground, seed) – ‘E3 Easy Wave Blue’ from PanAmerican Seed
Petunia (ground, vegetative) – ‘Supertunia Vista Bubblegum’ from Proven Winners
Portulaca (container) – ‘Mega Pazzaz Purple’ from Danziger
Portulaca (ground, seed) – ‘Sundial Pink’ from Benary Plus
Rudbeckia – ‘Sunbeckia Ophelia’ from Flamingo Holland
Scaevola – ‘Indigo Touch’ from Danziger
Verbena (container) – ‘Lanai Upright Twister Watercolor’ from Syngenta Flowers
Verbena (ground) – ‘EnduraScape Pink Bicolor’ from Ball FloraPlant
Vinca – ‘Soiree Kawaii Coral Reef’ from Suntory Flowers
Zinnia – ‘Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor’ from Sakata Seed America