
NGB Debuts Garden Promotion Calendar
National Garden Bureau, in conjunction with GardenComm, has created a calendar of popular “Day of” promotions and industry marketing campaign opportunities that can be used by the green industry for their marketing and social media strategy plans. There are... more »
Who Has the Power?
As a grower, maximizing square footage, maintaining or increasing margins, and simplifying the production process are always top of mind. Strategic thinking runs constant when it comes to container sizes, tray dimensions and low cost... more »
Women in Horticulture Week Set to Take Place
Female entrepreneurs are growing the U.S. economy. In fact, over the past five years, women-owned businesses increased 21 percent. They represent 42% of all companies, employing 9.4 million workers and generating $1.9 trillion in revenue,... more »

Star Roses and Plants Launches “Make Any Day Mother’s Day” Campaign
Star Roses and Plants knows that Mother's Day may look different for many families this year, which is why they recently launched its "Make Mother's Day Any Day" campaign. "With social distancing and travel restrictions... more »
Star Roses and Plants Launches National Flower Campaign
Star Roses and Plants has recently launched a campaign to encourage every American to plant a rose to support our country and show that "we're all in this together" during the novel coronavirus pandemic. "Roses... more »

Greenhouse Coalition Launches #StayPlanted Initiative
To help advance CDC messaging for shelter in place and social distancing guidelines, a coalition of greenhouse growers and interior plantscapers recently launched a #StayPlanted initiative. #StayPlanted encourages solidarity for shelter-in-place and social distancing directives... more »

AFE to Introduce ‘Give Flowers on Giving Tuesday’
The American Floral Endowment (AFE) has created a new online campaign, “Give Flowers on Giving Tuesday,” to encourage the gift of flowers on May 5 during the GivingTuesdayNow event. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement designed... more »

New Resources Available to Promote Plants in Today’s Market
The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture (NICH) has created a series of engaging memes to inspire consumers while maintaining safe social distance. The organization’s Social Media Committee and the Health and Community Committee created the series... more »

MSU’s Behe to Address Retail Strategies in Today’s Environment
Michigan State University' professor Bridget Behe will share marketing and retailing strategies for garden center retailers in a webinar later this week. This webinar emphasizes how retailers need to adapt their sales processes during the pandemic... more »

Celebrate Hydrangea!
Some might argue that hydrangeas should be recognized as plant of the century, rather than just the year 2020. Hydrangeas have been around forever, and most of us have fond memories of our parents or... more »